Chess Club of the Golden Crescent Welcomes You!

Thanks for stopping by the official website of the Chess Club of the Golden Crescent! Feel free to send us an e-mail if you have any questions or comments: We also invite you to leave comments on our postings or at our official club forum (click here to access the forum). And of course, feel free to come by Jason's Deli on Monday nights to get a game or two in with us!

15 April, 2010

Plano as Chess Mecca

On April 10th, I played in a one day chess tournament at the Plano Chess Club. The event involved five rounds at various time controls...g/30, g/30, g/45, g45, and g/60. There were twelve players in the "Open" Section (above USCF 1300). Most of the players were 1600+.

Ten more people played in a "Novice" section (USCF 900 - 1300?), and there were about ten children who played in a "Scholastic Novice" section (under USCF 900). So the event had roughly thirty players. The "Open" section contained a seven year old girl who won at least two games! Thankfully, I did not play a chess game with her!

I'm sure you are breathlessly awaiting news of my performance! Well, I won two of five games. In Round 1, I played White with a USCF 1600 player and won via checkmate in a time scramble - I played Gucco Piano (the quiet game) -1- e4 -2- Nf3 -3- Bc4. In Round 2, I played a 1715 player as Black - I played Albin Counter Gambit -1- d4 d5 -2- c4 e5 he obtained a two pawn advantage almost immediately, and I got ground into dust. In Round 3, I played Jim Hollingsworth (1832), and gave the game everything - I am proud of my play - however, superior talent prevailed, and Jim won via checkmate. In round 4, my opponent (1694), surprised me with -1- d4 -2- Bc4 and moved a knight to g5 instead of a bishop in the early game. He sacrificed a knight for a pawn which led to sizable material gains and totally superior position - he won, although I put up some decent resistance, considering I had virtually no development and sizable material deficit. In Round 5, I'm in a bit of discouragement - thinking that I might go home with 4 straight losses - my opponent is a bit worse than me - he is 0-4. We begin playing, it is clear that my opponent can play chess, but he loses a knight for a pawn, and later in the game, allows a two move combination that loses his rook, so he resigns.

The Plano Chess Club has a first class facility and the tournament director is highly skilled. I will play in more chess events at the Plano Chess Club! Is Plano chess worth a 300 mile trip for Victoria Chess Club members? Maybe! Plano also has a tremendously good "Chinese Barbeque" restaurant about three blocks from the Plano Chess Club.

One more brief thought - not about chess - this was my first trip (ever) to Plano. I was struck by the opulent wealth of the place - every house seemed to be a brand new two story four bedroom brick. Plano has a large Asian community - every business in the shopping center where I ate lunch (bank, dentist, realtor, restaurant) had Japanese and English lettering on its door!

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