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06 April, 2010

A Class "A"ct - Ralph Belter's Tourney Play

Belter Srivastava

1.d4 d5
2.Nf3 Nc6
c5 first is better
3.Bf4 Nf6
4.e3 Bg4
5.c4 e6
6.Qb3 Bb4
7.Nbd2 Bxf3
8.gxf3 Bxd2
9.Kxd2 Rb8
Probably 7. Nc3 is better, but I have played this line several times. My king is fairly safe behind the pawns and my 2 bishops and open g file have won me a number of games.
10.Bd3 o-o
11.Rhg1 g6
12.Bg5 Re8
13.f4 h6
This is an error, but it does have a deep point that I missed. Who would expect a 9 year old rated 667 to play a positional sac?
14.Bxh6 Nh7
Another error. With 14… Ne4 it is about even, but this is still part of a deep plan that I missed.
15.Bxg6 winning 15…. Qh4
Only now did I see the idea. His last 2 moves opened the diagonal for the Q which now hits f2 and h2. Besides both bishops hang. How did this happen?
16.Bxf7 The calm 16. Bd3 wins.
In the maze I thought I saw another win.
17.Rg7 Kf6
18.Rxh7 I had planned 18. Bg5 here but only now saw the N/h7
19.Kd3 a6
Correct here is !9… Kg6 when he gets the edge. Still I was amazed at the idea of playing …b5 and opening more lines.
20. Bg5 I am not going to give him another shot at …Kg6!
21Rf7 Kg4
This is the final error. On 21…Kg6 22. Rf6 and 23.Qd1 I probably win too, but he still can cause problems with 23…Nb4. I was very glad he missed that Qd1 is with check.
22.Qd1 Kh3
23.Qh5 Actually 23. Rh7 is quicker, but I saw this first.
23…. Kg2
24.Qg4 Kxh2
25.Rh7 Qh4
26.Rxh4 mate Whew.

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