Greetings my Fellow Crescenteers! Enjoy these gems of wisdom, helpful anecdotes, and silly, smile-cracking, ego-stretching tidbits.
"Checkers is for tramps." -- MORPHY
"Most gods throw dice, but Fate plays chess, and you don't find out until it's too late that he's been playing with two queens all along.” -- TERRY PRATCHETT
"Chess is mental torture." -- KASPAROV
"When in doubt -- play chess." -- TEVIS
"Life is too short for chess." -- LORD BYRON
“When the Chess game is over, the Pawn and the King go back to the same box.” --Irish saying
“Every Chess master was once a beginner.” -- CHERNEV
“Chess is a beautiful mistress." -- BENT LARSEN
"Chess is a curse upon a man." -- H.G.WELLS
"I hate anyone who beats me." -- LISA LANE
"One bad move nullifies forty good ones." -- HOROWITZ
"The older I grow, the more I value Pawns." -- KERES
“When you see a good move, look for a better one.” -- EMANUEL LASKER
“The Pin is mightier than the sword.” -- FRED REINFELD
“The winner of the game is the player who makes the next-to-last mistake.” --TARTAKOWER
“You cannot play at Chess if you are kind-hearted.” -- French Proverb
“Without error there can be no brilliancy.” -- EMANUEL LASKER
“Play the opening like a book, the middle game like a magician, and the endgame like a machine.” -- Spielmann
“Excellence at Chess is one mark of a scheming mind.” -- SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE
“Chess is as much a mystery as women.” -- PURDY
“Only sissies Castle." -- ROB SILLARS
“There just isn't enough televised Chess.“ -- DAVID LETTERMAN
“When you are lonely, when you feel yourself an alien in the world, play Chess. This will raise your spirits and be your counselor in war.” -- ARISTOTLE
“I played Chess with him and would have beaten him sometimes only he always took back his last move, and ran the game out differently.” -- MARK TWAIN
“A man that will take back a move at Chess will pick a pocket." -- RICHARD FENTON
“Chess is a sea in which a gnat may drink and an elephant may bathe.” -- Hindu proverb
“When I have White, I win because I am white; When I have Black, I win because I am Bogolyubov.” -- BOGOLYUBOV
“Every Pawn is a potential Queen.” -- JAMES MASON
“We must make sure that Chess will not be like a dead language, very interesting, but for a very small group.” -- SYTZE FABER
“When you play Bobby, it is not a question if you win or lose. It is a question if you survive.” -- SPASSKY
“There is no remorse like the remorse of Chess." -- H. G. WELLS
“The stomach is an essential part of the Chess master.” -- BENT LARSEN
“These are not pieces, they are men! For any man to walk into the line of fire will be one less man in your army to fight for you. Value every troop and use him wisely, throw him not to the dogs as he is there to serve his King.” -- JAMIE WALTER ADAMS
"All I want to do, ever, is to play chess." -- FISCHER
"It is always better to sacrifice your opponent's men." -- TARTAKOWER
"A computer beat me in chess, but it was no match when it came to kickboxing." -- EMO PHILIPS
“For surely of all the drugs in the world, Chess must be the most permanently pleasurable." -- ASSIAC